This page provides information about Al-Mutaʿali, one of the 99 names of Allah, which means The Self Exalted.
Arabic Name | الْمُتَعَالِي |
Name in English | Al-Mutaʿali |
Name Meaning | The Self Exalted |
Short Summary | The Supremely Exalted, The All Exalted |
Long Summary | Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ is Al-Muta’ali (in Arabic: ٱلْمُتَعَالِي), The highest One, and exalted above all creation. He is far beyond any imagination or thought, and the human mind is too narrow to understand his true greatness. |
Arabic Root | From the root ayn-lam-waw (ع ل و), which has the following classical Arabic connotations: to be high, elevated, lofty, to be exalted, to rise up, to ascend, to be higher to exceed, surpass, to overcome, overwhelm to advance, promote, rise above, to mount, be overtop, eminent. |
Details | Arabic Root:From the root ayn-lam-waw (ع ل و), which has the following classical Arabic connotations: to be high, elevated, lofty, to be exalted, to rise up, to ascend, to be higher to exceed, surpass, to overcome, overwhelm to advance, promote, rise above, to mount, be overtop, eminent.Much of what needs to be said regarding this name has been covered in the name Al-Aliyy. Al-Aliyy means “The High” or “The Exalted.” Al-Muta’ali is related to this name, but its meaning is intensified.
So, He is “The Most High” or the “Supremely Exalted.” Dr. Sayyed Mohammad Reza, in his book titled “Divine Names & Attributes In The Holy Qur’an,”Allah the Exalted is ‘Ali because to Him belongs highness and all of its aspects, highness of His Essence, highness of His attributes and esteem, Highness of strength and power. He is the one who has risen over His throne and the who has encompassed the dominion. He is the one who and whom all attributes of greatness, grandness, magnificence, and beauty find perfection and fulfillment.”As a reminder, there are three forms of which we should be aware of Al-Aliyy (The High), Al-Ala (The Most High), and Al-Muta’ali (The Highest). Each successive name goes into a more exaggeratory form. Together they characterize Allah’s loftiness, Him being the High above in all respects (i.e., might, wisdom, knowledge, judgment, power, etc.). إِلَّا ٱبۡتِغَآءَ وَجۡهِ رَبِّهِ ٱلۡأَعۡلَىٰIllab tighaaa’a wajhi rabbihil a’laaEnglish Translation:”But only seeking the countenance of his Lord, Most High.” — (Qur’an 93:20) ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ هُوَ ٱلۡحَقُّ وَأَنَّ مَا يَدۡعُونَ مِن دُونِهِۦ هُوَ ٱلۡبَٰطِلُ وَأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ هُوَ ٱلۡعَلِيُّ ٱلۡكَبِيرُZaalika bi annal laaha Huwal haqqu wa anna maa yad’oona min doonihee huwal baatilu wa annal laaha Huwal ‘Aliyyul kabeerEnglish Translation:”That is because Allah is the Truth, and that which they call upon other than Him is falsehood, and because Allah is the Most High, the Grand.” — (Qur’an 22:62) لَهُۥ مَا فِي ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَمَا فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِۖ وَهُوَ ٱلۡعَلِيُّ ٱلۡعَظِيمُLahoo maa fis samaa waati wa maa fil ardi wa Huwal ‘Aliyul ‘AzeemEnglish Translation:”To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and He is the Most High, the Most Great.” — (Qur’an 42:4) أَمَّن يَهۡدِيكُمۡ فِي ظُلُمَٰتِ ٱلۡبَرِّ وَٱلۡبَحۡرِ وَمَن يُرۡسِلُ ٱلرِّيَٰحَ بُشۡرَۢا بَيۡنَ يَدَيۡ رَحۡمَتِهِۦٓۗ أَءِلَٰهٞ مَّعَ ٱللَّهِۚ تَعَٰلَى ٱللَّهُ عَمَّا يُشۡرِكُونَAmmany-yahdeekum fee zulumaatil barri wal bahri wa many yursilu riyaaha bushran baina yadai rahmatih; ‘a-ilaahun ma’allah; Ta’aalal laahu ‘ammaa yushrikoon English Translation:”Is He [not best] who guides you through the darknesses of the land and sea and who sends the winds as good tidings before His mercy? Is there a deity with Allah? High is Allah above whatever they associate with Him.” — (Qur’an 27:63) عَٰلِمُ ٱلۡغَيۡبِ وَٱلشَّهَٰدَةِ ٱلۡكَبِيرُ ٱلۡمُتَعَالِ‘Aalimul Ghaibi wash shahaadatil Kaabeerul Muta’aalEnglish Translation:”[He is] Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, the Grand, the Exalted.” — (Qur’an 13:9)We can beautify every action by doing it in the name of Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ. If we realize His Highness and live to seek His approval, our character will become elevated. Abdullah ibn ‘Amr reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “The one who maintains ties of kinship is not the one who reciprocates. The one who maintains ties of kinship is the one who, when his relatives cut him off, maintains ties of kinship.” [1] The reason to keep trying is none other but for the sake of Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ. There is no blame on oneself or the wrongs of the other person. The focus and comfort should come from knowing you’re behaving in a manner that is pleasing to Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ.Reflection:[1] Sahih (Al-Albani) Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 68 |