Does the Prayer Remain Valid If One Leaves Before Saying Salaam After the Final Sitting?

In Islamic prayer (Salah), the final sitting (tashahhud) and the concluding salaam (salutation) play an essential role in the completion of the prayer. However, a question often arises: What happens if someone leaves the prayer after the final sitting, without giving the salutation?

The Opinions of the Scholars
Imam Abu Hanifa argues that after the final sitting in prayer, one must exit the prayer by intentionally performing an act that brings the prayer to a close, which is typically the salaam. If the person does not perform the salaam, their prayer is considered invalid.

Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad hold a different view. They believe that if a person sits in the final sitting (tashahhud) for the duration needed to recite tahiyyat (the testimony of faith), the prayer is complete from the perspective of the rukun (pillars of the prayer). This means that even if the person does not say salaam or performs an action that contradicts the prayer, their prayer remains valid, though the wajib (obligatory) action of saying salaam is omitted.

Fiqh Implications of Leaving the Prayer
The varying opinions have important fiqh (jurisprudential) implications. If a person performs an action that contradicts the prayer after sitting in the final sitting (for example, responding to someone’s greeting, sneezing and saying “bless you,” or even standing up and leaving), according to the views of Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad, the prayer remains valid. However, they acknowledge that a wajib act (the salaam) has been neglected.

Imam Abu Hanifa disagrees with this approach. If the person engages in any action that is contrary to the prayer after the tashahhud, it would render the prayer invalid.
Prayer in Case of Unintended Interruptions
If a person inadvertently breaks their prayer after the final sitting (for example, due to a sudden disturbance), the ruling differs:

According to Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad, the prayer remains valid.
Imam Abu Hanifa, however, considers the prayer invalid if broken unintentionally after the final sitting.
What Happens If the Prayer Time Ends?
If the prayer time expires before the person completes their prayer and exits after the final sitting, the ruling also differs among the scholars:

Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad maintain that the prayer remains valid.
Imam Abu Hanifa holds that the prayer is invalid in this case.
In conclusion, the final sitting in prayer holds significant importance, and the rules regarding leaving the prayer without completing the salutation (salaam) vary according to different schools of thought. While some scholars argue that the prayer remains valid with the omission of salaam, others emphasize the necessity of completing the prayer with proper intention and actions, including the salaam.

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