The truth that Allah guarantees provision (rizq) in this world but not in the Hereafter guides many aspects of our lives. However, we often do the opposite: we stress over our sustenance in this world and neglect our afterlife. If Allah is indeed the Provider of our sustenance in this world, why does He require us to work? Is the purpose of work merely to earn our livelihood, or is there a deeper meaning?
Why Does Allah Require Us to Work if He Guarantees Our Rizq?
Allah provides sustenance to every being in the universe. Even infants, who are born in their weakest and most dependent state, receive everything they need. Yet as we grow older and our willpower strengthens, it requires a little more effort to attain our sustenance. This indicates that working goes beyond simply earning a livelihood.
Allah has concealed our sustenance and expects us to make an effort to find it. If sustenance were effortlessly placed before us, people might fall into laziness and aimlessness. This shows that working is not about obtaining sustenance but rather about avoiding inertia and having a meaningful role within the harmony of creation.
The Deeper Purpose of Work: Avoiding Aimlessness
By working, humans save themselves from inertia, a state of purposelessness. The primary purpose of work is to be actively engaged in the world that Allah created. The effort required to find our sustenance is, in fact, Allah’s way of testing us and helping us recognize Him. The many activities in the universe are an opportunity for humankind to know Allah.
Provision is not something we earn; it is guaranteed by Allah. Our effort is not to acquire sustenance but to engage in meaningful work in this world, fulfilling our test.
Allah’s Abundant Provision and the Variety in Creation
Allah not only provides sustenance but also fills the world with countless blessings and foods, honoring us as His guests. These diverse blessings demonstrate Allah’s attribute of being the Provider and reveal how much He has honored us in this world. He could have sustained us with a simple diet, yet this rich table shows His greatness and generosity.
Conclusion: Working to Avoid Inertia, Not to Earn Rizq
Working is not merely a means to make a living. Its main purpose is to keep us from falling into aimlessness and emptiness, sustaining us as part of the orderly system of this world. While Allah provides our sustenance, hidden as it may be, we seek it through our work. In doing so, we are reminded of Allah’s greatness.
Working with this deeper understanding in mind enriches both our lives in this world and our preparation for the Hereafter.