Seeking the Essence of Dhikr: “La Ilaha Illallah” and the Struggle Against the Self

This article delves into the profound meaning of dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and its influence on a person’s inner world. Key topics and insights include:

What is Dhikr, and What is Its True Meaning?

Dhikr is not limited to the repetition of words; rather, it is an effort to refine the self and express one’s love and devotion to Allah. The phrase “La Ilaha Illallah,” or “There is no god but Allah,” can be explored in depth. The word “La” (no) symbolizes the need to detach oneself from earthly attachments and idols, both obvious and subtle, which interfere with one’s connection to the Divine.

The Struggle Against the Self and Spiritual Growth

Sufis see dhikr as more than a verbal remembrance; it is a journey to overcome the desires of the self (nafs) and draw closer to Allah. Dhikr serves to free the individual from worldly cravings and personal attachments, enabling a closer relationship with the Divine. This section can explore how dhikr plays a role in self-discovery and helps people reach a higher spiritual plane.

The Joy of Remembering Allah

The connection between the love for Allah and the need to constantly remember Him is underscored. This practice is not merely a ritual but an expression of love, resembling how one constantly remembers a beloved. Using examples from the text, this section explains how the yearning and constant contemplation of the beloved nourishes one’s spirit. Such devotion turns dhikr into a deeper attachment and a meaningful spiritual journey.

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